Motorola 68HC908
: Firmware developed in assembler on a MotorolaMC68HC908GP32
with a few code onC
: IDE, compiler, debugger and in-circuit programming.Hp48
: Navigation software using aHewlett Packard Hp48
interfaced via Serial connection.Jazz library
: Low level IDE, compiler and debugger forSysRPL
andHp48 Saturn CPU assembler
Rally computer for amateur and professional rally teams. Using a Hp48 calculator, the rally team enter the race variables and the software give the next information:
Current position
, from odometer interfaced from car to hardware device with a switch sensor or hall effect sensor.Target position
, calculated for keep car synced.Distance offset
, calculated from current position and race data.Current track
, from race information.Multiple time mode
, track time, race time, start and end time, etc.
Nav48 app

Nav48 Hardware

With this hardware and software that I did, my team won around 8 trophies and two championship on Bogotá on three years in two modalities, 4x4 and regularity.