MatrixCreator / MatrixVoice
Android and hardware integrations over MatrixLabs boards
Together with Admobilize team we released two boards in four years that using different technologies. In the main part of time I worked on low level layers of Android with C++ integrations using OpenCV and ZeroMQ techologies. Also we working with some Google technologies like GRPC and Protocol Buffers for try to generate different SDK to some software languages.
- Android JNI using CMake variant to NDK
- OpenCV in Android to have a low level camera in Background
- Bluetooth low energy (BLE) GATT sever for communications
- ESP32 integration with PlatformIO CI
- Hal abstraction layer in C++ over Raspbian for each board.
- Multi user - multi language hardware abstraction using ZMQ
- Wakeword implementations on C++ using PocketSphinx
- GRPC and protocol buffers for realtime communication and APIs
- Android Things implementation over RaspberryPi
- Our Balena implementation in parallel to Android Things development
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