Citizen science project with mobile and fixed sensors for measuring air quality (PM 2.5) using low-cost sensors and smartphones. Built with a ESP32
module board and some particulate meters, Honeywell, Sensirion, Plantower, etc, interfaced with the CanAirIO Android client app.

I used two technologies mainly for this iniciative, ESP32 and Android with the next initial goals:
- PlatformIO and its continous integration system for firmware deployments
- Bluetooth low energy (BLE) GATT sever for communications on mobile tracks
- Hybrid implementation, WiFi and Bluetooth for get air quality with mobile and fixed stations
- Grafana and InfluxDb implementation on the ESP32 firmware for data storage, telemetry and data analysis
- Firebase on Android for real time on mobile tracks
- OTA firmware remote updates via FOTA implementation
Why CanAirIO?
With this Initiative many people will be able to fight for air quality rights in many countries with these problems. CanAirIO uses mobile and fixed sensors to measure air quality with cell phones and low-cost technology. Right now we have a community on many places of the world using CanAirIO
Android App


- Super easy web installer, via Chrome or Edge
- Mobile station (via Bluetooth LE for tag GPS variables)
- Fixed station, (using only your WiFi)
- Fast WiFi credentials provisioning via Bluetooth or via
- CLI tool alternative for configuration and provisioning
- Sensors layer using our CanAirIO Sensors Library
- Automatic firmware OTA updates (with stable/testing channels)
- Share mobile tracks via or CanAirIO app
- Home Assistant integration, discovery and multisensor support
- PAX Counter feature (default wifi sniffer sensor to count people)
- Multiple boards and sensors supported with only one firmware
Today CanAirIO has collaboration from some Collectives and Partners
CanAirIO between 2020 and 2023 was part of COS4Cloud project, an European Horizon 2020 project to boost citizen science technologies.

If you want to contribute to the code or documentation, consider posting a bug report, feature request or a pull request.
Also please keep in mind that with this Initiative many people will be able to fight for air quality rights in many countries with this kind of problems. Consider making a donation, becoming a patron or purchasing a device:
- Support our development with: Github Sponsors
- Be a Patreon on: Patreon or LiberaPay
- Buy a device: CanAirIO Bike in Tindie
- Invite us a coffee: Buymeacoffee or in Sponsors
- Donation with: Paypal or with
- Ether: 0x1779cD3b85b6D8Cf1A5886B2CF5C53a0E072C108

This project is free and open source software, distributed under the GPL License. So feel free to use this code and app for do a change on quality air issues.
Main page:
Installer: CanAirIO Web Installer
Full guide: CanAirIO Docs
Firmware: ESP32 firmware
Android: CanAirIO Android App
GitHub: Github organization
Hackaday: Project
Twitter: @canairq
Telegram: Support Group